Montessori Children's Garden Montessori Children's Garden Montessori Children's Garden We Help Small Ones Grow

Miss Giovanna

What I have always loved about MCG is the atmosphere of peace and kindness I have always been met with since I first stepped into the building 5 years ago.

Every face I met greeted me with a smile and gentleness and that still holds true today. Even with masks on, kind smiling eyes still transmit the same gentleness.

My favorite Montessori philosophy is "follow the child" . This drives me during the day during my time in the Red room.

The best part of my day is walking into the classroom in the morning and greeting the children filled with energy and excitement, observing them while they focus on those first works are great moments. As a parent, my favorite memories of MCG are the events like the Sing-a-long during Christmas and Mother's Day breakfast.